DO YOU EVER THINK WHAT KIND OF TORTURE AND PUNISHMENT HAD BEEN GIVEN TO THE PEOPLE IN THE HISTORY OF HUMANITY? Let's talk it and get some information about it.I think by listening these brutal torture and punishment i bet you gonna have the worst nightmare of your life.These are the five most cruel and unusual punishment ever given to person. Top five brutal torture 1.RAT IN A BUCKET Rat will do anything to escape an uncomfortable situations and torturer used this knowledge to their advantage in their sick experiment giving a punishment to criminals. A pottery bottle filled with rats are placed open side down on a naked body of a prisoner.Then the read hot charcoals are piled on the bowl effectively.The prisoner's hand and leg is tied s that they cant move even after rat are inserted into the bowl.when the bowl get heated by charcoals it make rat unbearable to stay in bowl and tends to go out of the bowl.Th...
5 MOST CRUEL EXPERIMENTS DONE ON HUMAN BEINGS. Have you ever imagined what type of unethical experiment had been conducted on human body? The tim es in history when science was deadly and dangerous.There are many cruel experiments which are performed on human beings.If you just listen these experiments I bet your mind's gonna blow. 1.Josef Mengele (The Angel Of Death) Josef Mengele was born on March 16, 1911, Günzburg, Germany and died on February 7, 1979, Enseada da Bertioga, near São Paulo , Braz il.At the time of world war 2 he was Nazi doctor at Auschwitz extermination camp (1943–45).He was known as angel of death because of his bizarre experiments on humans which is listed below . EXPERIMENTS: He used to stitch blood vessels,organs,skin of the twins to form a Siamese twins (conjoined twins those twins who share pain,diseases and may die at same time)which causes the disease like gangrene which is very dangerous...